Personal and Small Business account applications

ANZ was in the process of rebuilding many of their legacy forms on new architecture. I worked closely with internal agile teams and experience designers to understand business requirements and redefine form patterns across all Personal and Small Business account applications.


Our approach

Faced with the prospect of designing 7 different forms with varying levels of complexity, starting with the most simple enabled us to quickly prototype and validate our form structure and new patterns. This approach allowed us to start developing new form components earlier and freeing up valuable time to focus on the more complex Small Business forms where the bulk of business rules and logic needed to be considered. 


Adding moments of delight to a bank account application form is never easy, a simple colour switch for card colour selection was a simple way of adding excitement, especially for first-time bankers. 

Redlines created for developers to start building out new form elements and components.


Common patterns

In addition to our new form elements and components, we created common patterns that were shared across all applications. Despite capturing different information, each application shared the same templates and patterns, providing a consistent user experience and reducing development effort.


Technical details

The most rewarding part of this project was diving into the technical details and understanding the often complex business requirements and back-end systems. I worked closely with Business Analysts and the Solution Architect to understand all permutations of account information required for small businesses. This understanding informed the structure of each application, with multiple dependant form inputs at each stage of the application process.
